2025 Road Maintenance Statements
are in the mail you should receive yours shortly. If you don't, please contact the office.
Our paperless billing is behind schedule this year. As soon as we get the issue fixed your paperless statements will be sent out.
There will be road work on Reef Parkway going Mauka (up) from Princess Kaiulani to Aloha Blvd.
Please use an alternate route.
When driving on Reef Pkwy over fresh chip seal
DRIVE SLOWLY so oil does not get on your vehicle.
NOTE: Work has been temporarily paused.
We would like to contact our lot owners residing in areas that will be affected by upcoming road work. We want to forewarn these owners of possible temporary road closures while our crew is maintaining the area. Please update your phone number and email address with us so we are able to contact you.
Weather permitting.
Our paving process…Chipseal (also chip seal or chip and seal) is a pavement surface treatment that combines one or more layers of road oil with one or more layers of fine aggregate. In the United States, chipseal is typically used on rural roads carrying lower traffic volumes, and the process is often referred to as asphaltic surface treatment. This type of surface has a variety of other names including tar-seal or tar seal, tar and chip, sprayed seal surface dressing, or simply seal. Chipseal’s are constructed by evenly distributing a thin base of hot tar, bitumen or asphalt onto an existing pavement and then embedding finely graded aggregate into it. The aggregate is evenly distributed over the hot seal spray, then rolled into the bitumen using heavy rubber-tired rollers creating a paved surface. A chip-seal-surfaced pavement can optionally be sealed with a top layer, which is referred to as a fog seal or enrichment.
Vehicle speed can affect the set-up time with chipseal. Depending on weather conditions, the set speed for chipseal is 10–15 miles per hour for the first 24–48 hours after construction.
February Meeting: Tuesday, February 25, 2025
10:00 am @HOVE RMC Office
STOP SIGNS are traffic signs requiring a motorist to stop before continuing.
STOP SIGNS are not installed as a suggestion but for safety reasons.
The speed limit in HOVE is 25 MPH.
Stop signs and speed limit signs are clearly marked and posted.
For your safety and the safety of others DON’T RUN STOP SIGNS. Picture yourself on the receiving end of someone crashing into your vehicle that ran a stop sign, you would be pretty upset or possibly dead. Ignoring stop signs is a perfect reason for a police officer to issue you a ticket or worse.
National statistics reveal that one-third of all intersection crashes in the United States occur at stop sign-controlled intersections.
With the number of residents in HOVE continually increasing, expect more vehicles in this subdivision.
Why? Would you risk something as serious as this when the reality of it all, it can be completely avoidable?
When buying property in HOVE, be aware that HOVE Road Maintenance charges a Transfer Fee of either $25.00 or $35.00, depending on the circumstances. Many buyers acquired properties with existing liens and overdue balances. All outstanding debts are transferred to the new owner, including those properties bought at public auctions. To prev
When buying property in HOVE, be aware that HOVE Road Maintenance charges a Transfer Fee of either $25.00 or $35.00, depending on the circumstances. Many buyers acquired properties with existing liens and overdue balances. All outstanding debts are transferred to the new owner, including those properties bought at public auctions. To prevent unforeseen liabilities, it's advisable to perform extensive research or engage an escrow company.
Postal Address:
P.O. Box 6227
Ocean View, HI 96737
(Please mail payments to this address)
92-8979 Lehua Lane, Ocean View, Hawaii 96737, United States
Big Island Residents: (808) 929-9910 All Others: (866) 241-7294 Fax: (808) 929-9623 Accounts or Billing: office@hoveroad.com Accounts Payable: mkaupu@hoveroad.com Road Maintenance: gm@hoveroad.com Questions for the BOD: gm@hoveroad.com
Open today | 07:30 am – 04:00 pm |
Select "Drop us a Line" to:
Update your address.
Report an abandoned vehicle or pothole.
Submit a question.
H.O.V.E. Road Maintenance Corporation
92-8979 Lehua Lane, Ocean View, Hawaii 96737, United States
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